Travel Tips


Please check for the lastest currency exchange under the Curent Exchange Links to Star On line.

Tipping taxi drivers, hotel employees and restaurant staff is not necessary. However
this custom is much appreciated by those who provide you with excellent service.
Airport tax
A departure tax of RM40.00 is levied on all travellers leaving Malaysia.
No vaccinations are required to enter Malaysia.
Bahasa Malaysia is the national language of Malaysia, however most people speak
Taxis operate 24 hours from stands, on call by telephone or simply by flagging down curb side. .
  Business hours
Most commercial business enterprises operate Monday to Friday 0830 to 1700
Banking institutions operate Monday to Friday 1000 to 1600 hours and on Saturday
between 1000 to 1200 hours.
Most stores and shops are open from 1000 to2000 hours.
  What to wear
Generally, Malaysians dress smart casual for most occasions. Malaysia is a
tropical country and temperatures average between 30 to 35 degrees centigrade. Light garments are recommended.

How to appy for a visa:

  • Application for visas should be made at the nearest Malaysian Missions abroad. In countries where Malaysian Missions
    have not been established, application should be made to the British High Commission or Embassy.
  • The applicant should present himself together with the following documents:

    a) Passport or Travel Document
    b) Form IM.47 (3 copies)
    c) Three (3) passport sized photographs.
    d) Return or onward - journey traveling ticket
    e) Proof of sufficient funds.

To enter Malaysia, you must:

  • Possess A Passport Or Travel Document
  • Fulfill Visa Requirement
  • Possess A Return Travel Ticket & Sufficient Funds
  • Not Be A Prohibited Person Complete The Arrival/Departure Card

Points To Note:

  • A visa is a permisson to enter Malaysia granted on application and must be obtained from the Malaysian Overseas Missions before arrival. It must be used within it's validity period (normally 3 months).
  • However, for a permission to stay, a pass for an approved period will be stamped in the passport at the point of entry. Citizens of Israel, Serbia and Montenegro are not allowed to enter Malaysia for any purpose without prior approval from the Malaysian Government