Kuala Lumpur
- Bustling Capital City
A City of delightful
contrasts - a combination of modern cosmopolitan.
sophistication and lingering old world charm; a
juxtaposition of gracious colonial edifices,
pre-war shophouses and gleaming copperdomed roofs
against a backdrop of towering skyscrapers. The
favorable climate accounts for the lush greenery
and profusion of tropical blooms in a riot of
colors - a truly fitting background for its happy
mix of multi-racial populace of Malays, Chinese,
Indians and other races. |
Night Life: as the garden city
comes alive in a blaze of multi-colored lights,
Kuala Lumpur beats to the pulsating rhythm of its
nightlife. True to its image of a sophisticated
cosmopolitan city, Kuala Lumpur offers the
visitor a variety of lively entertainment, come
nightfall. |
Eating Out: Eating out in
Kuala Lumpur is a real gastronomic adventure - a
treat for your tastebuds.
Owing to the multi-racial composition of its
populace and their individual cultures, Kuala
Lumpur has evolved into a gourmet's paradise with
its varied offerings of Malay, Chinese and Indian
food . |
Shopping: Kuala Lumpur is a bargain
hunter's paradise offering a wide variety of
goods for the avid shopper, ranging from oriental art
objects, and curios to local handicraft items,
designer fashion, shoes and handbags, leather
goods, cameras and photographic equipment,
electrical and electronic goods. |